Mentions Légales et Conditions Générales d’Utilisation

Site identification

Name of the site
Full site url

Publisher identification

Company name and corporate form:
9 rue Anatole de la Forge 75009 Paris
To contact us:
Cliquez ici

Notre service client se tient à votre disposition, de 8h à 12h et de 13h à 18h du lundi au vendredi, au numéro suivant:

Publication du site:

Nom du directeur de la publication:
M. Benjamin Jayet

Site host

Name of the host:
Social form:
Seattle, Washington, États-Unis

Données à caractère personnel

Numéro de la déclaration obtenue auprès de la CNIL:
Nom du responsable du traitement:

Conformément à la loi Informatique et Libertés n° 78-17 du 6 janvier 1978, modifiée par la loi n°2004-801 du 6 août 2004, les traitements mis en œuvre sur ce site ont fait l'objet d'une déclaration auprès de la Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), qui en a délivré récépissé sous le numéro ci-dessus indiqué.

Les données à caractère personnel vous concernant que nous pourrions être amenés à recueillir sont collectées aux conditions indiquées dans les rubriques « Conditions générales d’utilisation du site » et « Utilisation des données à caractère personnel ».

Vous disposez d'un droit d'accès, de modification, de rectification et de suppression des données à caractère personnel que nous pourrions être amenés à collecter. Pour l’exercer :

Terms and conditions of use of the site

Acceptance of the general conditions of use of the Site

By accessing the Site and/or using the services, the user of the Site (hereinafter the "User") expressly and unreservedly accepts these general terms and conditions of use of the Site (hereinafter the "General Terms and Conditions of Use"), as well as the stipulations contained in the "Legal Notice" and "Use of Personal Data" sections and, more generally, all applicable legal and regulatory provisions.

In the event that the User does not wish to accept all or part of the General Terms of Use, he or she is asked to renounce all use of the Site and services.

JTM WEB reserves the right to update the General Conditions of Use at any time. The Publisher therefore invites all Users to visit this page each time they consult the Site in order to read them.

Furthermore, access to certain parts of the Site or to certain services may be restricted and/or their use may be subject to additional and/or specific conditions".

Purpose of the Site

This Site is a site published by the Publisher.

Its purpose is to offer services Geolocation service is compatible PC, tablet and Mobile (hereinafter referred to as the "Services") free of charge or against payment to the User under the conditions set out in these Terms of Use.

Access and use of the Site

The Publisher strives to offer permanent access to the Site, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

However, the access to the Site can be suspended, at any time and without notice, in case of force majeure or events beyond the control of the Editor in particular because of breakdown, failure or paralysis of the network, the system and/or the means of communication, as well as because of maintenance intervention and/or correction made necessary by the update and the good functioning of the Site.

The Editor cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage due to an interruption, a malfunction of any kind, a suspension or stoppage of the Site and/or Services, for any reason whatsoever.

The User acknowledges having the skills and means necessary to access and use the Site, in particular an Internet connection and the appropriate equipment (computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.). The communication protocols used are those in use on the Internet. In any event, the use of the Site and its Services is carried out under the sole responsibility of the User.

The Publisher shall not be held liable for elements beyond its control and for any damage that may be suffered by the User's technical environment and in particular, his computers, software, network equipment and any other material used to access or use the Site and/or Services.

The User undertakes not to hinder access to the Site and/or the proper functioning of the Site in any way whatsoever that could damage, intercept and/or interfere with all or part of the Site.

You are reminded that fraudulently accessing or remaining in a computer system, hindering or distorting the operation of such a system, fraudulently introducing or modifying data in a computer system constitutes offences punishable by criminal penalties.

Access to the Site is free of charge. However, the costs of access and use of the telecommunications network, such as the costs related to the use of remote communication technology, are the responsibility of the User, according to the terms and conditions set by his access provider and telephone operator.

Site Content

The Publisher reserves the right to modify, at any time and without notice, the content of the Site.

Access to the Services offered on the Site may be subject to restrictions for certain persons or in certain countries. It is the responsibility of any interested User to check beforehand that his situation allows him to use the Services offered on the Site.

Intellectual Property

The entire Site (structure, presentation and content) constitutes a work protected by the US and international legislation in force on copyright and, in general, on intellectual property.

The Publisher is the owner, assignee or holder of the rights of all the elements that make up this Site, and in particular texts, data, drawings, graphics, photos, animations, sounds, computer codes, arrangements, assemblies of all or part of an element of the Site including downloadable documents.

All intellectual property rights, in particular exploitation rights, reproduction and extraction rights on any medium, of all or part of the data, files and all elements appearing in the web pages of the Site, as well as representation and reproduction rights on any medium, of all or part of the Site itself, the rights of modification, adaptation or translation, are reserved exclusively to the Publisher, - and to its possible assignees - and this, subject to the pre-existing rights of third parties having authorized the digital reproduction and/or the integration in this Site, by the Publisher, of their works of any nature whatsoever.

Any reproduction, representation, distribution or rebroadcast, in whole or in part, of any element of the Site by any means whatsoever without the express prior authorization of the Publisher is prohibited, and would constitute an infringement punishable by law.

The trademarks of the publisher of the Site and its partners as well as the corporate names and logos appearing on the Site are protected. Any total or partial reproduction of these trademarks or logos, made from elements of the Site without the express permission of the Publisher or its assigns is therefore prohibited.

Database protection

The Publisher reminds that under the protection of the Intellectual Property Code it is forbidden :

  • The extraction, by permanent or temporary transfer of all or a qualitatively or quantitatively substantial part of the contents of the databases accessible via the Site, on another medium, by any means and in any form whatsoever;
  • The reuse, by making available to the public all or a qualitatively or quantitatively substantial part of the content of the databases in any form whatsoever, and
  • The repeated and systematic extraction or reuse of qualitatively or quantitatively insubstantial parts of the contents of the database when these operations clearly exceed the conditions of normal use of the database.

In this respect, the Editor specifies that any copies of the elements contained in the Site can only be made for information purposes and exclusively for strictly private use. Any other reproduction or use of the elements of the Site for other purposes is expressly forbidden.

Hypertext links

The Site may contain hypertext links allowing access to sites that are not edited by the Publisher. Consequently, the latter cannot be held responsible for the content of the sites to which the User would have access in this way.

The creation of hypertext links to the home page of the Site is authorized. However, links made on specific pages of the Site (deep links) are subject to prior authorization of the Editor.

The URL of the targeted page must be clearly indicated. The user site must not make the Site appear as his own, distort the content of the target Site, refrain from clearly indicating that the User is directed to the Site. The pages of the Site must not be nested within the pages of another site, but may be displayed in a new window.

No "mirroring" of the Site, i.e. a posting to another URL, is allowed.

Personal data

The User declares having read and accepted without reserve all the stipulations contained in the section "Use of personal data", including the uses that may be made by the Editor of personal data relating to the User.


Within the framework of the Services offered on the Site, the Editor endeavours to collect and publish accurate information, which is subject to regular updates. However, the Publisher cannot guarantee that the information and results obtained through the Site will be free of errors or omissions.

Litigation and applicable law

Convention of proof

The Publisher may rely, as evidence, of any act, program, data, file, record, operation and other element (such as monitoring reports or other statements) of nature or in computer or electronic format or support, established, received or kept directly or indirectly by the Publisher, for example in any database.

Applicable law - Jurisdiction

The General Conditions of Use are subject to the American law, to the exclusion of any other legislation, regardless of the place of use. Any dispute, in particular concerning the performance or interpretation of the General Terms of Use, which cannot be resolved amicably shall fall within the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts within the jurisdiction of the San Francisco Court of Appeal, regardless of the place of performance of the services or performances, the domicile of the defendant or the method of settlement accepted, even in the case of an action in warranty, a plurality of defendants or summary proceedings or upon request.

Use of personal data

This section is an integral part of the general conditions of use of the site (hereinafter the "General Conditions of Use") and is intended to inform the user of the Site (hereinafter the "User") of the manner in which the company JTM WEB (hereinafter the "Publisher") collects, uses and retains the User's personal data; it does not apply to personal data collected by other means.

The Publisher reserves the right to modify the present section at any time and without prior notice, and therefore invites all Users to refer to it regularly.

Commitments of the Publisher

The Publisher undertakes to respect the American law.

No data of a personal nature will be collected without the User's knowledge, will not be used for purposes other than those indicated below, nor will it be transferred to third parties without his consent or without his being clearly informed.

Collection of personal data

The User may consult certain pages of the Site without having to provide personal data.

However, in certain cases (personalized services, forms, sending e-mails, newsletters, thematic alerts, etc.) or for the use of certain services or features of the Site, various personal data may be requested from the User, such as his or her surname, first name(s), e-mail address (personal or professional), username and password. If the User does not agree to provide such information, the Editor asks the User to give up any use of the services of the Site requiring such an agreement.

No personal data is indeed collected without the User's consent. This information is requested only to the extent that it is necessary. Each time personal data is collected, the Editor endeavours to include a link leading to this document.

Retention, confidentiality and access to personal data

The User's personal data is stored in a database on the Publisher's servers. The User's personal data may thus be kept and used for a period not exceeding the time necessary for the purposes of their collection.

The Publisher undertakes to take all useful precautions to preserve the confidentiality and integrity of this data, to ensure that it is not distorted, damaged or destroyed and to prevent any disclosure to unauthorized third parties.

The User has a right of access to this personal data, provided that he or she can prove his or her identity, that he or she indicates the personal data to which he or she wishes to have access and/or that he or she wishes to modify, provided that this request is reasonable and justified.

Security of personal data

The Publisher considers the User's personal data as confidential and endeavours to take all reasonable technical measures to prevent and avoid possible losses, misappropriation or communication of its data to unauthorised third parties during a collection or storage operation.

Transfer of personal data

The personal data provided by the User are intended for the Publisher. Subject to its express acceptance, they may be transmitted to its commercial partners, who may be led to send it various information as well as offers on their products or services.

In very exceptional circumstances, the Editor may be legally required to communicate the User's personal data, particularly when such communication is necessary for the identification, questioning or prosecution of any individual likely to infringe, intentionally or not, the rights of third parties and/or the regulations in force.

Transfer of personal data abroad

The Publisher undertakes not to transfer any personal data without the prior consent of the User, in compliance with the legislation in force applicable to such transfers.

Cookies and navigation data

The Editor may use cookies and possibly collect navigation data, as specified below, when using the Site and its services. The User will then be informed of these processes as well as their purpose and will have the right to oppose them.


Cookies are small files whose main function is to facilitate navigation on the Internet. One of their main purposes is to save the User time by indicating to the web server that he or she is visiting a specific page of the Site again.

Cookies make it possible to extract the information that the User has previously provided, recording his or her preferences and browsing habits, in order to improve the quality of the Website. In addition, the advertisers present on the Site can optimize their advertising campaigns according to the latest research that.